We are seasoned wedding photographers traveling worldwide to capture the most exclusive weddings. Celebrities, TV stars and Royals have all been in front of our cameras. We love to innovate and always strive for the best possible experience for our clients. We solely deliver the highest possible image quality and good is not good enough, we want GREAT!
Bas Uijlings
Bas Uijlings (41) grew up with photography and had a career in ICT. Since 2002 he has been involved in professional photography and has gained extensive experience in photography at events, conferences in the theater and the studio.
In 2009 he photographed his first wedding and now, 12 years later, he is leading the wedding photography industry in the Netherlands and Europe. He works with a team of 17 top photographers and cameramen to capture the most beautiful weddings from the desert to snowy mountain tops. High-quality standards and a mix of journalistic and artistic work characterize his style. This makes for exceptional images and he is in high demand worldwide for special weddings.
In 2018, 2019 and 2020 he has been named one of the very best wedding photographers worldwide, named Best Wedding Photography Company and in recent years he has won almost every wedding photography award. Besides his own “Bas Uijlings Academy” with masterclasses and mentoring, he has provided training for DuPho, Calumet, Profoto and Nikon. He is also in demand as a speaker at conferences such as Professional Imaging, Nikon School Events, Nature Talks, De Fotobeurs, Zoom Academy and does reviews for KameraExpress and CameraNU. Bas is ambassador and speaker for Nikon Europe, Profoto Benelux and Manfrotto Benelux.

The Team
Started as a sole proprietor I soon found out that I wasn’t able to cope with the number of requests I started receiving after a very short period. So I started hiring experienced photographers and filmmakers who wanted to join me in creating unbelievable content for other people, creating happy memories, but also in the best way possible.

Nikon, Profoto and Manfrotto
Brand Ambassador
Because we have high demands on our output we invest a lot of money in equipment and only use the best of the best possible gear. High quality, fast and reliable because we travel a lot. That’s why we only use professional Nikon equipment and because we are brand ambassadors of Nikon Europe we get to play with the newest gear and comment on results and possible improvements on the gear to make it even better.
Without light no imagery so we use flash when needed or to create special effects. The Swedish brand Profoto also supports us and we are proud to be Dutch ambassadors for this brand, we love the easy-to-use equipment with the best possible output in terms of quality of light.